Using Data Distribution Service for IEEE 11073-10207 Medical Device Communication

Merle Baake, Josef Ingenerf, Björn Andersen*

*Corresponding author for this work


The concept of an Integrated Clinical Environment can be implemented by a fully connected operation room containing devices from different manufacturers. An exchange architecture and protocol for this kind of environment is defined by the IEEE 11073 Service-oriented Device Connectivity family of standards. Therein, a Domain Information and Service Model is bound to the Medical Devices Communication Profile for Web Services, which is the specification for the information exchange technology. It is employed as the communication layer in the software library SDCLib/J that implements an Integrated Clinical Environment. In order to demonstrate that the functionality of SDCLib/J is independent of the underlying transport technology, its communication layer was replaced with an implementation of the Data Distribution Service. Therefore, its publish-subscribe pattern needed to be redesigned and transformed so that it matches the library’s request-response principle.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMobiHealth 2019: Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare
EditorsGregory M.P. O'Hare, Michael J. O'Grady, John O’Donoghue, Patrick Henn
Number of pages13
Volume320 LNICST
PublisherSpringer, Cham
Publication date28.05.2020
ISBN (Print)978-3-030-49288-5
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-030-49289-2
Publication statusPublished - 28.05.2020
Event8th EAI International Conference on Mobile Communication and Healthcare - Dublin, Ireland
Duration: 14.11.201915.11.2019
Conference number: 240459


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