Umsetzung der neuen Qualitätssicherungsvereinbarung zur Hörgeräteversorgung im Praxisalltag: Teil 2 Diagnostische Neuerungen in der Sprachaudiometrie

Translated title of the contribution: Implementation of the new quality assurance agreement for the fitting of hearing aids in daily practice: Part 2 New diagnostic aspects of speech audiometry: Part 2 New diagnostic aspects of speech audiometry

J. Löhler*, B. Akcicek, B. Wollenberg, R. Schönweiler

*Corresponding author for this work
6 Citations (Scopus)


Upon review of the statutory health insurance reimbursement guidelines, a specific quality assurance questionnaire concerned with the provision of hearing aids was introduced that assesses elements of patient satisfaction within Germany’s public healthcare system. APHAB questionnaire-based patient evaluation of the benefit of hearing aids represents the third pillar of audiological diagnostics, alongside classical pure-tone and speech audiometry. Another new aspect of the national guidelines is inclusion of free-field measurements in noise with and without hearing aids. Part 2 of this review describes new diagnostic aspects of speech audiometry. In addition to adaptive speech audiometry, a proposed method for applying the gold standard of speech audiometry – the Freiburg monosyllabic speech test – in noise is described. Finally, the quality assurance questionnaire will be explained as an appendix to template 15 of the regulations governing hearing aids.

Translated title of the contributionImplementation of the new quality assurance agreement for the fitting of hearing aids in daily practice: Part 2 New diagnostic aspects of speech audiometry: Part 2 New diagnostic aspects of speech audiometry
Original languageGerman
Issue number9
Pages (from-to)667-682
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - 01.01.2014


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