Transforming XSLT stylesheets into XQuery expressions and vice versa

Sven Groppe*, Jinghua Groppe, Niklas Klein, Ralf Bettentrupp, Stefan Böttcher, Le Gruenwald

*Corresponding author for this work
3 Citations (Scopus)


XSLT and XQuery are the languages developed by the W3C for transforming and querying XML data. XSLT and XQuery have the same expressive power and can be indeed translated into each other. Many tools either support XSLT or XQuery. In this paper, we show how to translate XSLT stylesheets into equivalent XQuery expressions and vice versa, so that we can apply the same tools to both languages. We also present a performance analysis that compares the execution times of the translation of the original query and of its translated expression using various current XSLT processors and XQuery evaluators.

Original languageEnglish
JournalComputer Languages, Systems and Structures
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)76-111
Number of pages36
Publication statusPublished - 01.07.2011

Research Areas and Centers

  • Research Area: Intelligent Systems
  • Centers: Center for Artificial Intelligence Luebeck (ZKIL)

DFG Research Classification Scheme

  • 409-06 Information Systems, Process and Knowledge Management
  • 4.43-03 Security and Dependability, Operating, Communication and Distributed Systems


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