Structural and functional imaging with extended focus dark-field OCT at 1300nm

Cedric Blatter, Branislav Grajciar, Robert Huber, Rainer A Leitgeb


We present an extended focus FDOCT setup with FDML swept source centered at 1310nm. The illumination, preserving its lateral extend over a large depth range thanks to the use of a Bessel beam, is decoupled from the Gaussian detection in order to increase the global sensitivity. The efficient spatial separation enables dark-field imaging. In-vivo measurements in the skin were performed to demonstrate the gain in lateral resolution while preserving the imaging depth. More, the calculation of the speckle variance between B-Scans allows a clear visualization of the microvasculature.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationOptical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XV
EditorsJames G Fujimoto, Joseph A Izatt, Valery V Tuchin
Number of pages6
Publication date11.02.2011
ISBN (Print)9780819484260
Publication statusPublished - 11.02.2011
EventSPIE BIOS - San Francisco, United States
Duration: 22.01.201127.01.2011


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