Streaming Dyadic Boolean Operations

Walter Dosch, Annette Stümpel, Tõnu Tamme


We investigate the specification and implementation of iterator components for dyadic Boolean operations in the setting of stream functions and state transition machines. We explicate the approach for the Boolean conjunction and study iterator components repeating this operation. The strict conjunction, the left-strict conjunction, the right-strict conjunction and the parallel conjunction differ in their reaction how they process F-elements from one input channel while waiting for input on the other input channel. We systematically transform the input/output behaviour into state-based implementations using a common history abstraction function. Beyond the particular application, we present general methods for the systematic design of iterator components in distributed systems with asynchronous communication.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationFifth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (itng 2008)
Number of pages9
Publication date27.05.2008
Article number4492460
ISBN (Print)978-0-7695-3099-4, 978-0-7695-3099-0
Publication statusPublished - 27.05.2008
EventInternational Conference on Information Technology: New Generations
- Las Vegas, United States
Duration: 07.04.200809.04.2008
Conference number: 72063


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