Special Issues Regarding Expert Evidence in Violent Death

Johanna Preuß-Wössner, Rainer Amberg, Burkhard Madea, Jørgen L. Thomsen, Martin Worm-Leonhard, Paolo Procaccianti


If there are multiple injuries, the chronological order and the significance regarding the cause of death can play a major role. Physical activity in forensic traumatological terms means the ability to execute a complex, adequate and intentional action despite the injury outcome. Basically, a distinction can be made between natural, accidental, non-criminal and criminal dismemberments. Post-mortem mutilation/dismemberment is generally rare and occurs with a focus on dense habitats. The incidence rate in Germany is approximately 10 cases per year. Death may occur due to sudden intake of a large amount of alcohol that will induce a hypotensive shock. Drug addiction has been known in every society at all times. A drug addict with withdrawal symptoms is a pitiful sight where he/she is desperate for the drug; withdrawal symptoms include sweating, fever, shakes, and so on. It is important to perform the medicolegal autopsies of drug abusers with care.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationHandbook of Forensic Medicine, Second Edition : Volume 1-3
Number of pages38
Publication date01.01.2022
ISBN (Print)9781119648550
ISBN (Electronic)9781119648628
Publication statusPublished - 01.01.2022

DFG Research Classification Scheme

  • 113-01 Principles of Law and Jurisprudence


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