smartCQ: Answering and evaluating Bounded Continuous Search Queries within the WWW and Sensor Networks

N. Hoeller, C. Reinke, D. Kukulenz, V. Linnemann


Continuous queries (CQ) can be used to keep track of relevant information in the World Wide Web and sensor networks over a period of time. However, result sets may become unbounded and notifications can be delayed. A special form of CQ are bounded continuous search queries (BCSQ), where results are processed immediately and a bounding condition for the number of user notifications may be defined to limit the result set. Based on a theoretical background for answering BCSQ we present smartCQ, a Web application for processing BCSQ and evaluating the query results. Based on a transparent search engine a user may execute and evaluate new strategies and methods for continuous search queries. Furthermore because of the positive results of BCSQ we encourage its use for querying wireless sensor networks to reduce the communication demand and hence reduce the energy consumption to enhance the lifetime of a sensor network.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2008 International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology
Number of pages5
Publication date01.12.2008
Article number4781660
ISBN (Print)978-1-4244-3396-4
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-4244-3397-1
Publication statusPublished - 01.12.2008
Event2008 International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology
- Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
Duration: 16.12.200818.12.2008
Conference number: 77477


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