Single-Molecule Fluorescence: Biophysics

M. Prummer, C. G. Hübner, D. L. Andrews (Editor)


This handbook and reference condenses the biophysics and biomedical contents of the renowned Encyclopedia of Applied Physics in one handy volume. Twenty-eight carefully written overview articles cover the latest research, including single molecule spectroscopy, biosensors and cellular biomechanics. Readers benefit from concise summaries of the fundamentals, methods and applications, backed by detailed tables of contents for quick access, and glossaries of terms, as well as detailed lists of references and further reading. For libraries and R&D teams in academia and industry.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationHandbook of Molecular Biophysics : Methods and Applications
EditorsHenrik G. Bohr
Number of pages28
Place of PublicationWeinheim
Publication date15.06.2009
Pages627 - 654
ISBN (Print) 9783527407026
Publication statusPublished - 15.06.2009


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