Segmentation and Analysis of Nerve Fibers in Histologic Sections of the Cerebral Human Cortex

M. Pakura, O. Schmitt, T. Aach


This paper describes an image acquisition and processing chain toward the analysis of images of thin histologic sections of the cerebral human cortex. We are particularly interested in the spatial distributions of nerve fibers, the inhomogeneities of which indicate architectonic and functional changes between different cortical areas. We therefore focus on the development of a specific optical and algorithmic chain to acquire histologic images in an appropriate resolution, and to enhance, segment, skeletonize and separate nerve fibers in these images. The processing results prepare the images for subsequent local measurements of nerve fiber orientation, fiber lengths, fiber density, area fraction occupied by fibers, and others.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings Fifth IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation
Number of pages5
Publication date01.01.2002
Article number999890
ISBN (Print)0-7695-1537-1
Publication statusPublished - 01.01.2002
Event5th IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation - Santa Fe, United States
Duration: 07.04.200209.04.2002
Conference number: 115840


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