Schmerztherapeutische Versorgung in Deutschland – unterscheiden sich teilstationär versorgte Patienten von den ambulant oder stationär versorgten bei Behandlungsbeginn? Eine weitere Auswertung auf Basis des KEDOQ-Schmerz-Datensatzes

Translated title of the contribution: Pain therapy care in Germany—Do patients receiving day care differ from those receiving outpatient or inpatient care at the start of treatment? A further evaluation based on the KEDOQ-pain data set

M. Hüppe*, S. Kükenshöner, K. Böhme, F. Bosse, H. R. Casser, T. Kohlmann, G. Lindena, B. Nagel, M. Pfingsten, F. Petzke

*Corresponding author for this work


The direct comparison of day care pain patients with patients from other treatment sectors with respect to sociodemographic, pain-related and psychological characteristics has not yet been the subject of systematic analyses. The project core documentation and quality assurance in pain therapy (KEDOQ-pain) of the German Pain Society (Deutsche Schmerzgesellschaft e.V.) makes this comparison possible. This second analysis of the available KEDOQ data was intended to show how patients receiving day care treatment can be characterized using the core data set and whether and to what extent they differ from patients receiving outpatient or inpatient treatment. This is a continuation of the first publication, which showed remarkably small differences between outpatients and inpatients but did not include day care patients. The KEDOQ-pain data from 25 centers with a total of 8953 patients were evaluated. Patients had completed the German pain questionnaire (DSF) between January 2012 and March 2017 and received day care (n = 1264), outpatient (n = 4082) or inpatient (n = 3607) pain therapy treatment. Sociodemographic, pain-related and psychometric data of the DSF reported by patients were evaluated as well as physician information on the pain chronification stage and pain localization. The evaluation was descriptive and compared groups using univariate and multivariate procedures. Day care treated patients were significantly younger, had a higher level of education, were more frequently employed, reported higher impairment values and showed a higher severity index according to von Korff than inpatients and outpatients treated for pain. In addition, they described a shorter pain duration as well as worse habitual well-being (Marburg questionnaire on habitual well-being, MFHW). These predictors explained roughly half of the variance in the prediction of the day care treatment setting. The comparison of outpatients and inpatients showed significant group differences for some variables; however, the effects were very small. The evaluations suggest that pain therapy day care facilities treat a special group of pain patients that significantly differ from patients in other treatment sectors. Cautious conclusions are drawn regarding the systematic allocation of patients to care appropriate to their treatment needs.

Translated title of the contributionPain therapy care in Germany—Do patients receiving day care differ from those receiving outpatient or inpatient care at the start of treatment? A further evaluation based on the KEDOQ-pain data set
Original languageGerman
Issue number5
Pages (from-to)421-430
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 01.10.2020


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