Room Impulse Response Shaping based on Estimates of Room Impulse Responses

S. Goetze, M. Kallinger, A. Mertins, K.-D. Kammeyer


Modern hands-free telecommunication systems have toreduce different acoustic disturbances of the desiredspeech signal, amongst them echoes of the far-end spea-ker due to the acoustic coupling between loudspeakerand microphone and room reverberation for the near-end listener caused by reflections at the room bounda-ries. Common systems for listening-room compensation(LRC) try to design an equalization filter which is theinverse of the room impulse response to achieve spectralflatness of the concatenated overall system of equalizerand room transfer function. Such designs need reliableknowledge of the room impulse response (RIR) which isnot available in real systems. Furthermore, it could beshown that shaping approaches which preserve the mas-king effects of room impulse responses lead to perceptual-ly better results especially in case of estimation errors. Inthis contribution a system for room impulse response sha-ping is analyzed depending on the influences of realisticRIR estimates, which are obtained by an acoustic echocanceller (AEC).
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 01.03.2008
Event34th German Annual Conference on Acoustics - Dresden, Germany
Duration: 10.03.200813.03.2008


Conference34th German Annual Conference on Acoustics
Abbreviated titleDAGA 08
City Dresden


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