Robust Resolution-adapted 3D Abdominal Breath-hold Water-Fat Imaging with Self-termination

Nadine Gdaniec, Tim Nielsen, Peter Börnert, Holger Eggers, Mariya Doneva, Alfred Mertins


Purpose:Respiratory   motion   is   a   common   source   of   artifactsdegrading  the  image  quality,  in  particular  in  abdominal  imaging.  Anefficient strategy to minimize the associated artifacts is breath-holding,if  the  patient  can  hold  his/her  breath  sufficientlylong.  To  cope  with  asudden,  premature  onset  of  breathing  during  scanning,  a  dedicatedsampling pattern recently was proposed , which facilitates a continuoustemporally  changing  compromise  between  undersampling  artifacts,SNR, and spatial resolution allowing for scan termination at every pointin  time  during  the  breath-hold.  In  this  work,  dualecho  imaging  wasadded  to  this  type  of  sampling  pattern  for  water-fat  separation,  and  acoil compression technique was included for faster reconstruction.Thisapproach  was  furthermore  complemented  with  an  efficient  intrinsicnavigator to trigger scan termination. 
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 01.02.2013
EventISMRM Workshop on data sampling 2013 - Sedona, United States
Duration: 03.02.201306.02.2013


ConferenceISMRM Workshop on data sampling 2013
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


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