Representation and Visualization of Variability in a 3D Anatomical Atlas using the Kidney as an Example

Silke Hacker, Heinz Handels


Computer-based 3D atlases allow an interactive exploration of the human body. However, in most cases such 3D atlases are derived from one single individual, and therefore do not regard the variability of anatomical structures concerning their shape and size. Since the geometric variability across humans plays an important role in many medical applications, our goal is to develop a framework of an anatomical atlas for representation and visualization of the variability of selected anatomical structures. The basis of the project presented is the VOXEL-MAN atlas of inner organs that was created from the Visible Human data set. For modeling anatomical shapes and their variability we utilize "m-reps" which allow a compact representation of anatomical objects on the basis of their skeletons. As an example we used a statistical model of the kidney that is based on 48 different variants. With the integration of a shape description into the VOXEL-MAN atlas it is now possible to query and visualize different shape variations of an organ, e.g. by specifying a person's age or gender. In addition to the representation of individual shape variants, the average shape of a population can be displayed. Besides a surface representation, a volume-based representation of the kidney's shape variants is also possible. It results from the deformation of the reference kidney of the volume-based model using the m-rep shape description. In this way a realistic visualization of the shape variants becomes possible, as well as the visualization of the organ's internal structures.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMedical Imaging 2006: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Display
Number of pages7
Publication date30.06.2006
Article number61410B
ISBN (Print)978-081946184-1
Publication statusPublished - 30.06.2006
EventMedical Imaging 2006: Image Processing - San Diego, United States
Duration: 11.02.200616.02.2006
Conference number: 67519


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