Rapid magnetic resonance angiography for detection of atherosclerosis

Stefan G. Ruehm*, Mathias Goyen, Jörg Barkhausen, Knut Kröger, Silke Bosk, Mark E. Ladd, Jörg F. Debatin

*Corresponding author for this work
169 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Choice of treatment for atherosclerosis depends on various clinical factors and radiological techniques. We aimed to assess the diagnostic accuracy of a new three-dimensional magnetic resonance angiography (3D MRA) strategy for the display of arterial vasculature from supra-aortic arteries to distal runoff vessels in 72 s. Methods: We examined five healthy volunteers and six patients over 6 weeks. Conventional digital subtraction angiography (DSA) was available as reference standard in all six patients. Magnetic resonance imaging was done on a commercially available 1·5 Tesla scanner. The imaging technique was based on the acquisition of five 3D data sets in rapid succession with an optimum single injection protocol. Findings: Compared with conventional catheter angiography, according to the findings of two independent and masked readers, whole-body MRA had overall sensitivities of 91% (95% CI 0·76-0·98) and 94% (0·8-0·99), and specificities of 93% (0·85-0·97) and 90% (0·82-0·96) for the detection of substantial vascular disease (luminal narrowing <50%). Interobserver agreement for assessment of whole-body magnetic angiograms was very good (κ=0·94; 95% CI 0·9-0·98). Interpretation: The technique provides a comprehensive non-invasive approach for morphological screening assessment of the arterial vasculature from supra-aortic arteries to the distal runoff arteries.

Original languageEnglish
Issue number9262
Pages (from-to)1086-1091
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 07.04.2001


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