Preliminary study on optical feature detection for head tracking in radiation therapy

T. Wissel, P. Stüber, B. Wagner, R. Bruder, A. Schweikard, F. Ernst


Marker-less tracking provides a non-invasive as well as comfortable approach to compensate for head motion in high precision radiotherapy. However, it suffers from a lack of point-to-point correspondences, typically requiring characteristic spatial landmarks to match point clouds. In this study, we show that cutaneous and subcutaneous structures can be uncovered using an 850 nm laser setup. For three subjects, we compare features extracted from camera images with MR scans serving as an anatomical ground truth. The results confirm the validity of the optically detected structures. The negative correlation between skin thickness and reflected light energy is likewise predicted by Monte-Carlo simulations and can be used to improve spatial point cloud matching. Tissue thickness and its facial structure can be predicted with submillimeter accuracy using a Support Vector regression machine. In addition, the optical measurements reveal the location of vessels that are not immediately visible in the MR scan. These promising findings highly encourage its application for a marker-less tracking system.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication13th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering
Number of pages5
Publication date01.11.2013
ISBN (Electronic)978-147993163-7
Publication statusPublished - 01.11.2013
Event13th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering - Chania, Greece
Duration: 10.11.201313.11.2013


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