Physical rehabilitation for critical illness myopathy and neuropathy: An abridged version of Cochrane Systematic Review

J. Mehrholz*, M. Pohl, J. Kugler, J. Burridge, S. Mückel, B. Elsner

*Corresponding author for this work
6 Citations (Scopus)


Intensive care unit (ICU) acquired or generalised weakness due to critical illness myopathy (CIM) and polyneuropathy (CIP) are major causes of chronically impaired motor function that can affect activities of daily living and quality of life. Physical rehabilitation of those affected might help to improve activities of daily living. Our primary objective was to assess the effects of physical rehabilitation therapies and interventions for people with CIP and CIM in improving activities of daily living such as walking, bathing, dressing and eating. Secondary objectives were to assess effects on muscle strength and quality of life, and to assess adverse effects of physical rehabilitation. On 16 July 2014 we searched the Cochrane Neuromuscular Disease Group Specialized Register and on 14 July 2014 we searched CENTRAL, MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL Plus. In July 2014, we searched the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) and three trials registries for ongoing trials and further data about included studies with no language restrictions. We also handsearched relevant conference proceedings and screened reference lists to identify further trials. We planned to include randomised controlled trials (RCTs), quasi-RCTs and randomised controlled cross-over trials of any rehabilitation intervention in people with acquired weakness syndrome due to CIP/CIM. We would have extracted data, assessed the risk of bias and classified the quality of evidence for outcomes in duplicate, according to the standard procedures of The Cochrane Collaboration. Outcome data collection would have been for activities of daily living (for example, mobility, walking, transfers and self care). Secondary outcomes included muscle strength, quality of life and adverse events. The search strategy retrieved 3587 references. After examination of titles and abstracts we retrieved the full text of 24 potentially relevant studies. None of these studies met the inclusion cri teria of our review. No data were suitable to be in cluded in a meta-analysis. There are no published RCTs or quasi-RCTs that examine whether physical rehabilitation interventions improve activities of dai ly living for people with CIP and CIM. Large RCTs which are feasible, need to be conducted to explore the role of physical rehabilitation interventions for people with CIP and CIM. This paper is based on a Cochrane Review published in in the Cochrane Da tabase of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) 2015, Issue 3, DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010942.pub2. (see for information). Cochrane Reviews are regularly updated as new evidence emerges and in response to feedback, and the CDSR should be consulted for the most recent version of the review.

Original languageEnglish
JournalEuropean Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Issue number5
Pages (from-to)655-661
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 10.2015

Research Areas and Centers

  • Health Sciences

DFG Research Classification Scheme

  • 2.23-07 Clinical Neurology, Neurosurgery and Neuroradiology
  • 2.22-11 Anaesthesiology


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