Patient identification using a near-infrared laser scanner

Christina Bremer, Achim Schweikard, Floris Ernst, Jirapong Manit


We propose a new biometric approach where the tissue thickness of a person's forehead is used as a biometric feature. Given that the spatial registration of two 3D laser scans of the same human face usually produces a low error value, the principle of point cloud registration and its error metric can be applied to human classification techniques. However, by only considering the spatial error, it is not possible to reliably verify a person's identity. We propose to use a novel near-infrared laser-based head tracking system to determine an additional feature, the tissue thickness, and include this in the error metric. Using MRI as a ground truth, data from the foreheads of 30 subjects was collected from which a 4D reference point cloud was created for each subject. The measurements from the near-infrared system were registered with all reference point clouds using the ICP algorithm. Afterwards, the spatial and tissue thickness errors were extracted, forming a 2D feature space. For all subjects, the lowest feature distance resulted from the registration of a measurement and the reference point cloud of the same person.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMedical Imaging 2017: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling
EditorsBaowei Fei, Robert J. Webster
Number of pages8
Publication date03.03.2017
Pages10135 - 10135 - 8
ISBN (Print)9781510607156
Publication statusPublished - 03.03.2017
EventMedical Imaging 2017: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling - Orlando, United States
Duration: 14.02.201716.02.2017


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