Optimized gradient calculation for room impulse response reshaping algorithm based on p-norm optimization

R. Mazur, J. O. Jungmann, A. Mertins


By using room impulse response shortening and reshaping it is possible to reduce the reverberation effects and therefore improve the perceived quality. This may be achieved by a prefilter that modifies the overall impulse response to have a faster decay. The traditional filter shortening approach using least-squares methods is fast and directly computable, but it suffers from late echoes. Newer approaches using the p-norm overcome this drawback but are computationally very demanding, as the optimization process uses a gradient-descent approach with slow convergence. In this work we propose a modification to this approach that results in a significantly faster convergence. With this modification, the algorithm is less likely to be trapped in a local minimum and therefore also leads to a better convergence point. The method will be demonstrated on simulated and real-world room impulse responses.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
Number of pages4
Publication date01.03.2012
Article number6287848
ISBN (Print)978-1-4673-0045-2
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-4673-0046-9
Publication statusPublished - 01.03.2012
Event2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing - Kyoto, Japan
Duration: 25.03.201230.03.2012
Conference number: 93091


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