On Irregular Behaviours of Interactive Stacks

Walter Dosch, Gongzhu Hu


An interactive stack is a software component which stores data in a last in/first out strategy. The regular behaviour of an interactive stack captures all input streams of push and pop commands which do not lead to a stack underflow. We investigate the behaviour of interactive stacks for input streams outside the service domain. We specify a fault sensitive stack, a fault tolerant stack, a robust stack, and a fault correcting stack. We subsequently implement them by state transition machines introducing a control state and a data state. Beyond the case study, we phrase general conditions and adequate notions for modelling partial services of interactive components.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationFourth International Conference on Information Technology (ITNG'07)
Number of pages8
Publication date28.08.2007
Article number4151763
ISBN (Print)0-7695-2776-0
Publication statusPublished - 28.08.2007
Event4th International Conference on Information Technology-New Generations - Las Vegas, United States
Duration: 02.04.200704.04.2007
Conference number: 70126


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