Local problem forests: Classifier training for locally limited sub-problems using spectral clustering

Oskar Maier, Heinz Handels


Voxel-wise classification for image segmentation often suffers the drawback, that the learnt global classification model only insufficiently captures sub-problems locally limited in problem space. We propose a novel method using spectral clustering to partition the global problem space into strongly connected clusters representing sub-problems. With fuzzy training set sampling, overlapping local problem classifiers are subsequently trained for each. Evaluation on a database of 37 magnetic resonance images displaying ischemic stroke lesions shows a significant improvement in segmentation accuracy compared to standard decision forest.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings - International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging
Number of pages4
PublisherIEEE Computer Society
Publication date21.07.2015
ISBN (Print)9781479923748
Publication statusPublished - 21.07.2015


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