Least Squares Equalizer Design under Consideration of Tail Effects

S. Goetze, M. Kallinger, K.-D. Kammeyer, A. Mertins


Modern high-quality hands-free telecommunication sy-stems have to cope with several real-world problems,such as corruption of the desired signal by additive noise,acoustic echoes and reverberation. This paper addressesthe mutual impacts of the subsystems for Acoustic EchoCancellation and Listening Room Compensation (LRC).In acoustic systems for LRC the equalizer is placed infront of the loudspeaker. An estimate of the room im-pulse response (RIR) is necessary for the equalizer tocompensate for the influence of the RIR at the positi-on of the reference microphone where the human useris located. Since the RIR is identified by the acousticecho canceller (AEC) anyway, its estimate can be usedto design the equalizer. The quality of equalization independence of the degree of system identification will beinvestigated in this contribution. Furthermore the influ-ence of the equalizer on an echo canceller is analyzed.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 01.03.2007
EventProc. 33rd German Annual Conference on Acoustics - Stuttgart, Germany
Duration: 19.03.200722.03.2007


ConferenceProc. 33rd German Annual Conference on Acoustics
Abbreviated titleDAGA'07


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