Integrating Standardized Transaction Protocols in Service-oriented Wireless Sensor Networks

Christoph Reinke, Nils Hoeller, Jana Neumann, Sven Groppe, Volker Linnemann, Martin Lipphardt


Despite much research in the area of wireless sensor networks in recent years, the programming of sensor nodes is still time-consuming and tedious. A new paradigm which seems to be qualified to simplify the programming of sensor networks is the Service Oriented Architecture. The composition of simple services to more complex ones can be a convenient way to design applications. To enable the sophisticated techniques known from service oriented architectures like replication and migration of services, a transaction model for sensor networks is required. In this paper, we study the applicability of the standard commit protocols Two Phase Commit (2PC) and Transaction Commit On Timeout and show in experiments with real sensor nodes that 2PC can enable consistent service migration in wireless sensor networks.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 2009 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
Number of pages2
Place of PublicationNew York, NY, USA
Publication date08.03.2009
ISBN (Print)978-1-60558-166-8
Publication statusPublished - 08.03.2009
Event24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
- Honolulu, United States
Duration: 08.03.200912.03.2009
Conference number: 78664

Research Areas and Centers

  • Research Area: Intelligent Systems
  • Centers: Center for Artificial Intelligence Luebeck (ZKIL)

DFG Research Classification Scheme

  • 4.43-03 Security and Dependability, Operating, Communication and Distributed Systems


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