In vivo Fourier-domain full-field OCT of the human retina with 15 million A-lines/s

Tim Bonin, Gesa Franke, Martin Hagen-Eggert, Peter Koch, Gereon Hüttmann


In vivo full-field (FF) optical coherence tomography (OCT) images of human retina are presented by using a rapidly tunable laser source in combination with an ultra-high-speed camera. Fourier-domain FF-OCT provided a way to increase the speed of retinal imaging by parallel acquisition of A-scans. Reduced contrast caused by cross talk was observed only below the retinal pigment epithelium. With a 100Hz sweep rate, FF-OCT was fast enough to acquire OCT images with acceptable motion artifacts. FF-OCT allows ultrafast retinal imaging, boosting image speed by a lack of moving parts and a considerably higher irradiation power.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationOptics Letters
Number of pages1
Publication date15.10.2010
ISBN (Print)0146-9592
Publication statusPublished - 15.10.2010


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