Improving the Robustness of the Correlation Approach for Solving the Permutation Problem in the Convolutive Blind Source Separation

Radoslaw Mazur, Alfred Mertins


n this paper, we propose a modification to thecorrelation approach in convolutive blind source separationto achieve an improved robustness. An often used approachfor separation of convolutive mixtures is the transformationto the time-frequency domain. This allows for the use of aninstantaneous ICA algorithm independently in each frequencybin, which greatly reduces complexity. The drawback of thisapproach are the so-called permutation and scaling problems.Here, we modify the well known correlation approach for makingit more robust. We propose to incorporate a confidence functionbased on estimated SIR which allows for detection of frequencybins with high probability of wrong permutations. The results ofthe new algorithm will be shown on an real-world example.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 01.08.2010
EventInternational Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise control 2010 - Tel Aviv, Israel
Duration: 30.08.201002.09.2010


ConferenceInternational Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise control 2010
Abbreviated titleIWAENC 2010
CityTel Aviv
Internet address


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