Image fusion and registration -- a variational approach

B. Fischer, J. Modersitzki


Image fusion or registration is central to many challenges in medical imaging today and has a vast range of applications. The purpose of this paper is to give an introduction to intensity based non-linear registration and fusion problems from a variational point of view. To do so, we review some of the most promising non-linear registration strategies currently used in medical imaging and show that all these techniques may be phrased in terms of a variational problem and allow for a unified treatment.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationComputational Science and High Performance Computing II
EditorsEgon Krause, Yurii Shokin, Michael Resch, Nina Shokina
Number of pages11
Place of PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg
PublisherSpringer Berlin Heidelberg
Publication date01.03.2006
ISBN (Print)978-3-540-31767-8
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-540-31768-5
Publication statusPublished - 01.03.2006
EventThe 2nd Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop on Computational Science and High Performance Computing II - Stuttgart, Germany
Duration: 14.03.200516.03.2005


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