High-speed-frequency swept light source for Fourier domain OCT at 20-kHz A-scan rate

Robert Huber, Kenji Taira, Maciej Wojtkowski, Tony Hong-Tyng Ko, James G. Fujimoto, Kevin Hsu


We demonstrate a high-speed tunable, continuous wave laser source for Fourier domain OCT. The laser source is based on a fiber coupled, semiconductor optical amplifier and a tunable ultrahigh finesse, fiber Fabry Perot filter for frequency tuning. The light source provides frequency scan rates of up to 20,000 sweeps per second over a wavelength range of >70 nm FWHM at 1330 nm, yielding an axial resolution of ~14 μm in air. The linewidth is narrow and corresponds to a coherence length of several mm, enabling OCT imaging over a large axial range.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCoherence Domain Optical Methods and Optical Coherence Tomography in Biomedicine IX
EditorsValery V. Tuchin, Joseph A. Izatt, James G. Fujimoto
Publication date2005
Pages96 - 100
Publication statusPublished - 2005


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