Guerrilla Performance Analysis for Robot Swarms: Degrees of Collaboration and Chains of Interference Events

Heiko Hamann*, Till Aust, Andreagiovanni Reina

*Corresponding author for this work


Scalability is a key feature of swarm robotics. Hence, measuring performance depending on swarm size is important to check the validity of the design. Performance diagrams have generic qualities across many different application scenarios. We summarize these findings and condense them in a practical performance analysis guide for swarm robotics. We introduce three general classes of performance: linear increase, saturation, and increase/decrease. As the performance diagrams may contain rich information about underlying processes, such as the degree of collaboration and chains of interference events in crowded situations, we discuss options for quickly devising hypotheses about the underlying robot behaviors. The validity of our performance analysis guide is then made plausible in a number of simple examples based on models and simulations.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationANTS 2020: Swarm Intelligence
EditorsMarco Dorigo, Thomas Stützle, Maria J. Blesa, Christian Blum, Heiko Hamann, Mary Katherine Heinrich, Volker Strobel
Number of pages14
Volume12421 LNCS
PublisherSpringer, Cham
Publication date23.10.2020
ISBN (Print)978-3-030-60375-5
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-030-60376-2
Publication statusPublished - 23.10.2020
Event12th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence - Barcelona, Spain
Duration: 26.10.202028.10.2020
Conference number: 250669


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