Focal dystonia in musicians: Treatment strategies and long-term outcome in 144 patients

Hans Christian Jabusch, Dorothea Zschucke, Alexander Schmidt, Stephan Schuele, Eckart Altenmüller*

*Corresponding author for this work
75 Citations (Scopus)


We present the long-term outcome of 144 musicians with focal dystonia after treatment with botulinum toxin (n = 71), trihexyphenidyl (n = 69), pedagogical retraining (n = 24), ergonomic changes (n = 51), or nonspecific exercises on the instrument (n = 78). Outcome was assessed by patients' subjective rating of cumulative treatment response and response to individual therapies. Seventy-seven patients (54%) reported an alleviation of symptoms: 33% of the patients with trihexyphenidyl, 49% with botulinum toxin, 50% with pedagogical retraining, 56% with unmonitored technical exercises, and 63% with ergonomic changes.

Original languageEnglish
JournalMovement Disorders
Issue number12
Pages (from-to)1623-1626
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 01.12.2005


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