Exploiting Chlorophyll Fluorescense for building robust low-cost Mowing Area Detectors

Nils Rottmann, Ralf Bruder, Achim Schweikard, Elmar Rückert


Detecting cost-effectively and accurately the working area for autonomous lawn mowers is key for widespread automation of garden care. Therefore, we propose an active low-cost sensor approach for detecting fluorescence response. The area to be detected is illuminated by an LED and the chlorophyll fluorescence response is observed by a phototransistor. The signal from the phototransistor is further processed by a transimpedance amplifier, an amplifier and a band pass filter and forwarded to a microprocessor. By choosing only low-cost consumer products for construction, high-volume lowest cost sensors can be built. We demonstrate the feasibility of our low-cost approach by evaluating the sensor mounted on an autonomous lawn mower in a garden environment.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2020 IEEE SENSORS
Publication date25.10.2020
Article number9278858
ISBN (Print)978-1-7281-6802-9
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-7281-6801-2
Publication statusPublished - 25.10.2020
Event2020 IEEE Sensors - Virtual, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Duration: 25.10.202028.10.2020
Conference number: 165760


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