Entwicklung eines inversen bestrahlungsplanungssystems mit linearer optimierung

Translated title of the contribution: Design of an inverse planning system for radiotherapy using linear optimization

Matthias Hilbig*, Robert Hanne, Peter Kneschaurek, Frank Zimmermann, Achim Schweikard

*Corresponding author for this work
4 Citations (Scopus)


Our approach shows that inverse planning for intensity-modulated beams in radiotherapy can be solved efficiently by the mathematical method of linear optimization. The completeness property of this method guarantees that calculated treatment plans fulfill the dose constraints given by the oncologist. Techniques developed by our group can also avoid the possible infeasibility caused by a physically impossible dose distribution. In contrast to other optimization methods, the simplex algorithm used for linear optimization allows a very high optimization speed, i.e., very short planning cycles. These preconditions were integrated in the development of the software system MIPART ("Munich Inverse Planning And Radiotherapy Treatment"). The object-oriented software architecture of MIPART achieves a maximum of extensibility and flexibility. Our clinical tests show that MIPART can be easily integrated in the clinical routine in spite of the complexity of data in the field of intensity-modulated radiotherapy. Moreover, qualitatively better treatment plans can be generated than in conventional treatment planning, especially in complicated cases.

Translated title of the contributionDesign of an inverse planning system for radiotherapy using linear optimization
Original languageGerman
JournalZeitschrift fur Medizinische Physik
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)89-96
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 01.01.2002


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