Energy-optimized Data Serialization For Heterogeneous WSNs Using Middleware Synthesis

Dennis Pfisterer, Marco Wegner, Horst Hellbrück, Christian Werner, Stefan Fischer


Developing applications for resource-constrained devices is an intricate task in itself and additionally requires in-depth domain expertise to optimize aspects such as communication overhead, resource usage and energy consumption. Frequently, these refinements are omitted because they are time-consuming, laborious and error-prone. Hence, automating these aspects lets developers and applications intrinsically benefit from the wisdom of experts. In this paper we propose a combined approach to WSN development that is comprised of our novel data type serialization scheme microFibre and our previously published work FABRIC to generate custom tailored, lean code for heterogeneous devices. We present measurements showing that microFibre clearly outperforms existing well-known solutions in encoding quality while only moderately increasing the application's footprint.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 01.06.2007
Event6th Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop
- Ionische Akademie, Korfu, Greece
Duration: 12.06.200715.06.2007


Conference6th Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop
Abbreviated titleMed-Hoc-Net 2007
Internet address


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