Efficient estimation of tissue thicknesses using sparse approximation for Gaussian processes

Tobias Wissel, Patrick Stüber, Benjamin Wagner, Achim Schweikard, Floris Ernst


Highly accurate localization of the human skull is vital in cranial radiotherapy. Marker-less optical head tracking provides a fast and accurate way to monitor this motion. Recent research has given evidence that marker-less tracking of the forehead benefits from tissue thickness information in addition to the 3D surface geometry. Using Gaussian Processes (GPs) tissue thickness is determined from optical backscatter of a sweeping laser. However, the computational complexity of the GPs scales cubically with the number of training samples. A full head scan contains 1024 points, whereas scans from several perspectives may be required for a comprehensive model for each subject. In five subjects, we thus evaluate sparse approximation methods to reduce the computational effort. We found a better - computation time versus root mean square error (RMSE) - tradeoff for a simple subset of data (SoD) technique. The increase of RMSE when dropping data was not found steep enough to justify the computational overhead of a better approximation by inducing point methods (namely FITC). Promising results were, however, obtained when clustering the training data before selecting the subset.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC)
Number of pages4
VolumeVolume 2015-November
Publication date04.11.2015
Article number7320007
ISBN (Print)978-142449271-8
Publication statusPublished - 04.11.2015
Event37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2015)
- MiCo - Milan Conference Center, Milan, Italy
Duration: 25.08.201529.08.2015


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