Die laparoskopische Resektionsrektopexie zur Therapie des obstruktiven Defäkationssyndroms

Translated title of the contribution: Laparoscopic resection rectopexy as treatment for obstructive defecation syndrome

Tilman Laubert*, M. Kleemann, U. J. Roblick, C. Bürk, A. Schorcht, P. Hildebrand, H. P. Bruch

*Corresponding author for this work
4 Citations (Scopus)


Anorectal outlet obstruction constitutes one form of chronic constipation. Combinations of morphological alterations of the pelvis, the pelvic floor and the colorectum are nearly always evident. The goal of the diagnostic work-up is to identify those patients who will profit from a surgical intervention. Resection rectopexy aims at restoring the physiological anatomy thereby ameliorating the functional interaction of structures effected with the laparoscopic approach entailing all advantages of minimally invasive surgery. Besides a detailed description of the surgical technique used and an algorithm for indications to operate we present our results after 19 years of experience. Throughout this period, 264 laparoscopic resection rectopexies for outlet obstruction were performed. With a mean follow-up of 58.2 months the rate of improvement of obstructive symptoms was 79.5 % (n = 128 of 161 available for follow-up). Present studies suggest that (laparoscopic) resection rectopexy entails better results in comparison to non-resecting procedures and procedures with the implantation of allogenic material. Certainly, in order to achieve these results a correct patient selection and an expertise in laparoscopic surgery are essential. Both the perioperative and the functional results of our own collective fortify the advantages of laparoscopic resection rectopexy in patients with an outlet obstruction.

Translated title of the contributionLaparoscopic resection rectopexy as treatment for obstructive defecation syndrome
Original languageGerman
JournalZentralblatt fur Chirurgie - Zeitschrift fur Allgemeine, Viszeral- und Gefäßchirurgie
Issue number4
Pages (from-to)357-363
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 03.09.2012


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