Cumulative pregnancy rates and drop-out rates in a German IVF programme: 4102 cycles in 2130 patients

Annika Kristin Schröder*, A. Katalinic, K. Diedrich, M. Ludwig

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83 Citations (Scopus)


Cumulative pregnancy rates are useful in counselling couples on their chance of conceiving during infertility treatment. Patients also have to counselled about the physical and psychological stress of infertility treatment. Beside the pregnancy rates, drop-out rates are a direct and may be the most important marker of physician quality in an IVF programme. Data from 4102 IVF cycles in 2130 patients in Germany were analysed retrospectively. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics as well as he Kaplan-Meier procedure. A real cumulative pregnancy rate of 31.2% was achieved after hour cycls with an expected cumulative pregnancy rate (ECPR) of 53.3%. Age was a significant factor regarding pregnancy rates (ECPR after four cycles: 57.1% <35 years, 44.8%≥35 years, 35.4%≥40 years). The drop-out rate of non-pregnant patients increased from 39.9% after the first cycle to 62.2% after the fourth cycle, indicating the enormous stress and frustration that increased during the course of treatment. The drop-out rate should be used as an important marker of quality control. The presented data give, for the first time, a good basis for this counselling procedure in Germany.

Original languageEnglish
JournalReproductive BioMedicine Online
Issue number5
Pages (from-to)600-606
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 01.01.2004


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