Coupled infectious disease and behavior dynamics. A review of model assumptions

Andreas Reitenbach, Fabio Sartori, Sven Banisch, Anastasia Golovin, André Calero Valdez, Mirjam Kretzschmar, Viola Priesemann, Michael Mäs


To comprehend the dynamics of infectious disease transmission, it is imperative to incorporate human protective behavior into models of disease spreading. While models exist for both infectious disease and behavior dynamics independently, the integration of these aspects has yet to yield a cohesive body of literature. Such an integration is crucial for gaining insights into phenomena like the rise of infodemics, the polarization of opinions regarding vaccines, and the dissemination of conspiracy theories during a pandemic. We make a threefold contribution. First, we introduce a framework todescribemodels coupling infectious disease and behavior dynamics, delineating four distinct update functions. Reviewing existing literature, we highlight a substantial diversity in the implementation of each update function. This variation, coupled with a dearth of model comparisons, renders the literature hardly informative for researchers seeking to develop models tailored to specific populations, infectious diseases, and forms of protection. Second, we advocate an approach tocomparingmodels' assumptions about human behavior, the model aspect characterized by the strongest disagreement. Rather than representing the psychological complexity of decision-making, we show that 'influence-response functions' allow one to identify which model differences generate different disease dynamics and which do not, guiding both model development and empirical research testing model assumptions. Third, we propose recommendations for future modeling endeavors and empirical research aimed atselectingmodels of coupled infectious disease and behavior dynamics. We underscore the importance of incorporating empirical approaches from the social sciences to propel the literature forward.

Original languageEnglish
JournalReports on progress in physics. Physical Society (Great Britain)
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 16.12.2024

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