Controlling Real Memristors in Embedded Systems

Philipp Grothe, Jan Haase


Memristors are a relatively new and immensely promising type of basic circuit element. As variable resistors the state of which depends on its former resistances, as well as applied voltage and flowing current, it behaves in a way that is not simply replicated by other components and therefore makes possible new types of analog implementations.While numerous models have been created since the discovery of the memristor, real memristors have not been around for long and in some ways drastically differ from models that simulate the ideal and hypothetically one day achievable ideal memristor. To account for the behavior of real memristors is however of utmost importance.In this work a preferably simple controller was implemented to enable reading and setting of memristors. It was designed with the constraints in mind to be of low complexity and use only unipolar DC voltages so that it may be applied in embedded systems.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2020 IEEE 29th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE)
Number of pages6
Publication date01.06.2020
Article number9152495
ISBN (Print)978-1-7281-5636-1
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-7281-5635-4
Publication statusPublished - 01.06.2020
Event29th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
- Delft, Netherlands
Duration: 17.06.202019.06.2020
Conference number: 162115

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