Complement factor 5 is a quantitative trait gene that modifies liver fibrogenesis in mice and humans

Sonja Hillebrandt, Hermann E. Wasmuth, Ralf Weiskirchen, Claus Hellerbrand, Hildegard Keppeler, Alexa Werth, Ramin Schirin-Sokhan, Gabriele Wilkens, Andreas Geier, Johann Lorenzen, Jörg Köhl, Axel M. Gressner, Siegfried Matern, Frank Lammert*

*Corresponding author for this work
186 Citations (Scopus)


Fibrogenesis or scarring of the liver is a common consequence of all chronic liver diseases. Here we refine a quantitative trait locus that confers susceptibility to hepatic fibrosis by 117 silico mapping and show, using congenic mice and transgenesis with recombined artificial chromosomes, that the gene Hc (encoding complement factor C5) underlies this locus. Small molecule inhibitors of the C5a receptor had antifibrotic effects in vivo, and common haplotype-tagging polymorphisms of the human gene CS were associated with advanced fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C virus infection. Thus, the mouse quantitative trait gene led to the identification of an unknown gene underlying human susceptibility to liver fibrosis, supporting the idea that C5 has a causal role in fibrogenesis across species.

Original languageEnglish
JournalNature Genetics
Issue number8
Pages (from-to)835-843
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 01.08.2005


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