Client/Server Framework for robot control in medical assistance systems

Lars Richter, Floris Ernst, Volker Martens, Lars Matthäus, Achim Schweikard


Purpose In medical applications, robots help physicians and surgeons in positioning and motion compensation issues. Existing robotized systems benefit from new developments in robotics research. Due to different attributes and features, it is nearly impossible to switch to a different robot in an existing application without fundamentally changing the application itself. In this work, we present a client/server framework for different robot types to separate the application from direct robot communication. Since this framework is based on a TCP/IP interface, programming language, platform and computer independent development and use is possible. The C++-source-code is available on request.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 01.06.2010
Event24th International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery - Geneva, Switzerland
Duration: 23.06.201026.06.2010


Conference24th International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
Abbreviated titleCARS'10


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