Categorization of Transparent-Motion Patterns Using the Projective Plane

C. Mota, M. Dorr, I. Stuke, E. Barth


Based on a new framework for the description of N transparent motions we categorize different types of transparent-motion patterns. Confidence measures for the presence of all these classes of patterns are defined in terms of the ranks of the generalized structure tensor. To resolve the correspondence between the ranks of the tensors and the motion patterns, we introduce the projective plane as a new way of describing motion patterns. Transparent motions can occur in video sequences and are relevant for problems in human and computer vision. We show a few examples for how our framework can be applied to describe the perception of multiple-motion patterns and predict a new illusion.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 01.10.2003
Event4th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing - Lübeck, Germany
Duration: 16.10.200318.10.2003


Conference4th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing
Abbreviated titleSNPD 2003


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