Business model innovation and organizational resilience: towards an integrated conceptual framework

Oana Buliga, Christian W. Scheiner*, Kai Ingo Voigt

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3 Citations (Scopus)


Management scholars have discussed business model innovation as an important response mechanism in turbulent environments. The realization of business model innovations is a highly difficult task and is necessary only in extreme cases of environmental changes. Research on organizational resilience shows that such dramatic adjustments are just one response to environmental changes from the set of appropriate possibilities. Even if previous research has, in general, acknowledged the connection between business model innovation and organizational resilience sporadically, a comprehensive framework is missing. Therefore, this study takes a first step and develops a conceptual framework in which both streams of literature are united under one theoretical roof. The findings of this study show that business model innovation is an integral part of organizational response and corresponds with adaptation as a constitutive element of resilience. This study addresses, furthermore, the question why some organizations choose a more active or passive role. To answer this question, it is necessary to include the individual level in the framework. The regulatory focus theory has proven to be a highly valuable tool, as it explains why decision-makers pursue specific responses according to their own motive structure. The regulatory focus theory is, subsequently, included in the framework and its links to organizational responses are shown.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Business Economics
Issue number6
Pages (from-to)647-670
Number of pages24
Publication statusPublished - 01.08.2016


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