Bladder cancer

P. Jiang*, J. Dunst

*Corresponding author for this work


For localized muscle-invasive bladder cancer, radical cystectomy has been widely considered as the standard treatment. However, numerous phase II studies with concurrent chemoradiotherapy have demonstrated survival rates identical to surgical series with 70–80 % bladder preservation in long-term survivors. Chemoradiation is the standard of care for organ preservation, and radiotherapy alone might offer effective palliation of symptoms, such as pain and hematuria, even in patients with very advanced disease. The principles of target volume delineation and treatment planning are outlined in this chapter.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTarget Volume Definition in Radiation Oncology
Number of pages10
PublisherSpringer Berlin Heidelberg
Publication date01.01.2015
ISBN (Print)9783662459331
ISBN (Electronic)9783662459348
Publication statusPublished - 01.01.2015


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