Biological and technological challenges establishing a future-proof cryogenic biomaterialbank

P. Ciba, B. Böhmert, D. Lermen, G. R. Fuhr, C. Kruse


To establish and maintain a cross generational cryogenic collection of rare animal biomaterial resources, several technological precautions need to be considered to ensure the usability of the stored samples at longterm. In the German Cell Bank for Wildlife "Alfred Brehm" (short: "CRYO-BREHM") different biotechnological and cryotechnological features are applied that allow a sustainable scientific usability of the sample material. Further, a safe long-term storage of living cellular material and the sample related information is ensured.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Event12th International Institute of Refrigeration Conference on Cryogenics - Dresden, Germany
Duration: 11.09.201214.09.2012
Conference number: 104752


Conference12th International Institute of Refrigeration Conference on Cryogenics
Abbreviated titleCRYOGENICS 2012

Research Areas and Centers

  • Academic Focus: Center for Infection and Inflammation Research (ZIEL)


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