title = "An Empirical Study of Task-Specific Limitations of the Overview+Detail Technique for Interactive Time Series Analysis.",
author = "Judith Friedl and Bj{\"o}rn Zimmer and Lisa Perkhofer and Jan Zenisek and Peter Hofer and Hans-Christian Jetter",
note = "DBLP's bibliographic metadata records provided through http://dblp.org/search/publ/api are distributed under a Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. Although the bibliographic metadata records are provided consistent with CC0 1.0 Dedication, the content described by the metadata records is not. Content may be subject to copyright, rights of privacy, rights of publicity and other restrictions.",
year = "2020",
doi = "10.1016/J.PROCS.2021.01.285",
language = "English",
pages = "628--638",
journal = "Procedia Computer Science",
issn = "1877-0509",