Accurate CT-MR image registration for deep brain stimulation: a multi-observer evaluation study

Jan Rühaak, Alexander Derksen, Stefan Heldmann, Marc Hallmann, Hans Meine


Since the first clinical interventions in the late 1980s, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus has evolved into a very effective treatment option for patients with severe Parkinson's disease. DBS entails the implantation of an electrode that performs high frequency stimulations to a target area deep inside the brain. A very accurate placement of the electrode is a prerequisite for positive therapy outcome. The assessment of the intervention result is of central importance in DBS treatment and involves the registration of pre- and postinterventional scans.
In this paper, we present an image processing pipeline for highly accurate registration of postoperative CT to preoperative MR. Our method consists of two steps: a fully automatic pre-alignment using a detection of the skull tip in the CT based on fuzzy connectedness, and an intensity-based rigid registration. The registration uses the Normalized Gradient Fields distance measure in a multilevel Gauss-Newton optimization framework and focuses on a region around the subthalamic nucleus in the MR.
The accuracy of our method was extensively evaluated on 20 DBS datasets from clinical routine and compared with manual expert registrations. For each dataset, three independent registrations were available, thus allowing to relate algorithmic with expert performance. Our method achieved an average registration error of 0.95mm in the target region around the subthalamic nucleus as compared to an inter-observer variability of 1.12 mm. Together with the short registration time of about five seconds on average, our method forms a very attractive package that can be considered ready for clinical use.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSPIE Medical Imaging 2015: Image Processing
Number of pages7
Place of PublicationOrlando, Florida, USA
Publication date20.03.2015
Pages9413 - 9413 - 7
ISBN (Print)9781628415032
Publication statusPublished - 20.03.2015
EventSPIE Medical Imaging 2015: Computer-Aided Diagnosis
- Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld, Orlando, United States
Duration: 21.02.201526.02.2015


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