A Systematic Look at Ciphertext Side Channels on AMD SEV-SNP

M. Li, L. Wilke, J. Wichelmann, T. Eisenbarth, R. Teodorescu, Y. Zhang


Hardware-assisted memory encryption offers strong confidentiality guarantees for trusted execution environments like Intel SGX and AMD SEV. However, a recent study by Li et al. presented at USENIX Security 2021 has demonstrated the CipherLeaks attack, which monitors ciphertext changes in the special VMSA page. By leaking register values saved by the VM during context switches, they broke state-of-the-art constant- time cryptographic implementations, including RSA and ECDSA in the OpenSSL. In this paper, we perform a comprehensive study on the cipher-text side channels. Our work suggests that while the CipherLeaks attack targets only the VMSA page, a generic ciphertext side-channel attack may exploit the ciphertext leakage from any memory pages, including those for kernel data structures, stacks and heaps. As such, AMD’s existing countermeasures to the CipherLeaks attack, a firmware patch that introduces randomness into the ciphertext of the VMSA page, is clearly insufficient. The root cause of the leakage in AMD SEV’s memory encryption—the use of a stateless yet unauthenticated encryption mode and the unrestricted read accesses to the ciphertext of the encrypted memory—remains unfixed. Given the challenges faced by AMD to eradicate the vulnerability from the hardware design, we propose a set of software countermeasures to the ciphertext side channels, including patches to the OS kernel and cryptographic libraries. We are working closely with AMD to merge these changes into affected open-source projects.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2022 2022 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP) (SP)
Number of pages1
Place of PublicationLos Alamitos, CA, USA
PublisherIEEE Computer Society
Publication date01.05.2022
Publication statusPublished - 01.05.2022

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