A smart mapping editor for standardised data transformation

Hannes Ulrich*, Sebastian Germer, Ann Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Jori Kern, Martin Lablans, Josef Ingenerf

*Corresponding author for this work


The integration of heterogeneous healthcare data sources is a necessary process to enable the secondary use valuable information in clinical research. Data integration is time-consuming for data stewards. The transformation using predefined rules for data harmonization can reduce the time-consuming and error-prone work and ease the data integration at various sites. In our study, we examined various script(ing) languages to find the most suitable candidate for definition of transformation rules and implement a smart editor which supports the data stewards in selecting rules reusing them. Thereby, it also provides an automatic and seamless documentation to strengthen the reliability of the defined transformation rules.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationVolume 270: Digital Personalized Health and Medicine
EditorsLouise B. Pape-Haugaard, Christian Lovis, Inge Cort Madsen, Patrick Weber, Per Hostrup Nielsen, Philip Scott
Number of pages2
PublisherIOS Press
Publication date16.06.2020
Pages1185 - 1186
ISBN (Print)978-1-64368-082-8
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-64368-083-5
Publication statusPublished - 16.06.2020
Event30th Medical Informatics Europe Conference - Geneva's International Conference Center, Geneva, Switzerland
Duration: 28.04.202001.05.2020
Conference number: 161256


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