A New Mathematical Model to Simulate the Progression of Brain Metastasis

S. Becker, K. Popp, A. Mang, T. A. Schütz, A. Toma, J. Dunst, T. M. Buzug, D. Rades


Currently, no quantitative approach does exist for describing spatial heterogeneous patterns of tumor progression and formation of a recurrent tumor. Mathematical models of tumor progression may provide valuable and complementary information for physicians regarding the spatio-temporal dynamics of such tumors. They can help identify predictive factors of tumor invasion and can help to adapt the safety margin of radiation therapy. The present work introduces a new model to simulate the progression of brain metastasis.
Original languageEnglish
JournalRadiation Oncology
Issue number3
Pages (from-to)297–298
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 01.11.2012


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