A multichannel data acquisition and analysis system based on off-the-shelf DSP boards

Andre Folkers, U. G. Hofmann


The EU-funded project VSAMUEL aims to develop a versatile system for advanced neuronal record- ings with multisite microelectrodes. Within this project we are developing a data acquisition system for high channel counts. The system will be able to acquire and process data on 128 channels at a sampling rate of at least 32 kHz. We are utilizing multiple DSP boards to perform that task. Other project parts include development of multisite mi- croelectrodes and respective pre- and main amplier stages. Besides data acquisition the DSP boards are used to per- form online analysis of the data, e.g. spike detection and spectrogram computation. Other project parts include de- velopment of multisite microelectrodes and respective pre- and main amplier stages.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2001
Event Proceedings of the EURASIP Conference on Digital Signal Processing for Multimedia Communications and Services 2001 - Budapest, Hungary
Duration: 11.09.200113.09.2001


Conference Proceedings of the EURASIP Conference on Digital Signal Processing for Multimedia Communications and Services 2001
Abbreviated titleECMCS2001


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