A Lyophilized red grape pomace containing proanthocyanidin-rich dietary fiber induces genetic and metabolic alterations in colon mucosa of female C57Bl/6J mice

Daneida Lizarraga, M. Pilar Vinardell, Véronique Noé, Joost H. van Delft, Gema Alcarraz-Vizán, Simone G. van Breda, Yvonne Staal, Ulrich L. Günther, Michelle A.C. Reed, Carlos J. Ciudad, Josep L. Torres, Marta Cascante*

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39 Citations (Scopus)


Diet plays a decisive role in promoting or preventing colon cancer. However, the specific effects of some nutrients remain unclear. The capacity of fruit and vegetables to prevent cancer has been associated with their fiber and antioxidant composition. We investigated whether consumption of a lyophilized red grape pomace containing proanthocyanidin-rich dietary fiber (grape antioxidant dietary fiber, GADF) by female C57BL/6J mice would affect the serum metabolic profile or colonmucosa gene expression using NMR techniques and DNA microarray, respectively. Themice were randomly assigned to 2 groups that for 2 wk consumed a standard rodent diet andwere gavagedwith 100mg/kg body weight GADF suspended in water or an equivalent volume of plain tap water (10 mL/kg body weight). The amount of fiber supplemented was calculated to equal the current recommended daily levels of fiber consumption for humans. The inclusion of dietary GADF induced alterations in the expression of tumor suppressor genes and proto-oncogenes as well as themodulation of genes from pathways, including lipid biosynthesis, energymetabolism, cell cycle, and apoptosis. Overexpression of enzymes pertaining to the xenobiotic detoxifying system and endogenous antioxidant cell defenses was also observed. In summary, the genetic and metabolic profiles induced by GADF were consistent with the preventive effects of fiber and polyphenols. On the basis of these observations,we propose that GADF may contribute to reducing the risk of colon cancer.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Nutrition
Issue number9
Pages (from-to)1597-1604
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 01.09.2011

Research Areas and Centers

  • Academic Focus: Center for Infection and Inflammation Research (ZIEL)


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