3D dose visualization for evaluation of radiosurgical treatment plans

Alexander Schlaefer, Oliver Blanck, Achim Schweikard


In radiotherapy, a visual representation of the dose distribution can be used to evaluate the qualityof treatment plans. Recent treatment systems use a large number of small beams to shape regions of high dose conformal to the tumors outline, and the use of 3D techniques has be reported for Gamma-Knife dose planning [1]. We present a tool for 3D visualization of treatment plans for roboticradiosurgery, where non-isocentric beams of small diameter can be directed towards arbitrary pointswithin the target. The best 3D voxel representation and the effect of individual beams are studied.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 01.06.2005
EventCARS 2005 - Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery - 19th International Congress and Exhibition
- Berlin, Germany
Duration: 22.06.200525.06.2005


ConferenceCARS 2005 - Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery - 19th International Congress and Exhibition
Abbreviated titleCARS 2005


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